A foolproof way to ensure your cake never sticks to the tin!


I was thinking about this post recently. I feel as if this is a well known tip in terms of how to make sure cakes don't get stuck in their tins and a way to prevent such a heartbreaking disaster from occurring. However, I still see people these days flailing about with baking paper and trying to cut it to size to ensure their cake doesn't get stuck. That, or they trust the non-stick quality of their tins and come to regret it later when they're spent some much time and effort baking and they can't remove their bake from it's tin!

The EASIEST way to make sure a cake doesn't get stuck is to make sure you properly grease it! The way I do this, which works out every time is to take a small amount of butter and put it into the tin. Rub this around with your fingers (the heat will cause the butter to melt) until the entire cake pan is oily, including all around the sides, or in any corners. Next take a small handful of flour (self-raising for cakes) and put this into the tin. Hold the tin kind of diagonally and pat it off of the palms of your hands, distributing the flour everywhere, including the sides, the flour won't come out, unless you turn the tin upside down. This is often referred to as the butter and flour method, but let me tell you, it works. Just try this and you'll never waste baking paper or time again!

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